Fresh Food Perspectives

With so much nutrition information out there, sometimes you just need a fresh perspective.

Healthy Holiday Events! December 8, 2011

As I hope you have noticed, I am passionate about having a healthy holiday this year.  Healthy in many ways. How’s it going for you? How is your mind, body and spirit? If something is feeling weak, I encourage you to take some time for yourself and nourish that part of you. Fortunately, nourishing one area benefits them all!

If you are struggling to find your health mojo this holiday, may I offer you some encouraging events to attend?

Next week I am co-hosting 3 Juice Plus Wellness Presentations. Yes, we talk about Juice Plus, but we also talk about healthy living in general. It will be a great time to get motivated by being around other health-minded people. Please join us. We have events Wednesday evening Dec 14th in the St. Johns area, Thursday evening Dec 15th at 7pm in St. Augustine and Friday morning Dec 16th in the south San Marco area. See the attached documents for more information. Please RSVP to me at if you would like to attend. Oh, and the evening ones are entitled “Wine and Wellness” so yah, you should come.

Invite WinterWellness



I am returning to our local Fox Action News Morning Show on Wednesday, December 21st to talk about healthy party snacks. Please tune in!

My next Whole Foods cooking class is Thursday, December 29th. We are having a more celebratory meal including Garlic Prosecco Chicken. Sign up  here and come have a great time! I also just submitted our classes for January, February and March so check their store calendar to sign up for those too!

In January, I will be back in action at A. Chef’s Cooking Studio. I am so excited to collaborate with Chef Andrea again. This is the coolest kitchen around. I love pulling up a chair anytime at this studio but love to cook there even more! Check out the schedule and join one of our classes.


Join us for the Flavors of Summer Cooking Class June 13, 2011

Our next cooking class at Whole Foods Jacksonville is set for June 30th. This will be my last class before baby Jackson so I would love to see you there. I am really excited about the recipes as I’ve wanted to do this chicken recipe for months. Come celebrate the delicious flavors of summer!


Whole Foods Cooking Class March 15, 2011

My next cooking class at Whole Foods has been posted on their store calendar website. Please follow the link below to register for our April 7th class. I hope you will join us.