Fresh Food Perspectives

With so much nutrition information out there, sometimes you just need a fresh perspective.

The Food-Hormone Connection January 15, 2008

Filed under: Hormones and Food — JBraddockRD @ 2:16 am

It seems that women have been blessed and cursed with a wonderful array of hormones. It would be easy if they worked exactly the same way throughout the lifespan. Unfortunately, they change as women progress through life and sometimes leave us not quite right. I have been doing a lot of research in the area of hormones and food for a women’s health class I am contributing to. As I learn more, I will continue adding to this post. Here’s some info on specific foods and their role in helping to normalize the symptoms of flunctuating hormones.

Flaxseed contains lignans that have a weak estrogen-like effect. This means that flaxseed may help reduce hotflashes during menopause and PMS symptoms for that time of the month.

Soy may provide relief from menopausal symptoms because of its weak estrogen-like effect. It also may help to prevent osteoporosis, a negative side effect of menopause. Soy is considered a safe addition to the diet for those women who do not have a strong personal or family history of breast cancer. The recommended daily dosage is about 25g or less a day of soy protein. Soy foods are not recommended for those with hypothyroidism because it can interfer with the medication Synthroid.

Vitamin E, when combined with soy, may help to relieve the symptoms of menopause. It has also been proven to reduce the risk for heart disease. Good sources of Vitamin E are vegetable oils, nuts, and broccoli.

Black Cohash may help to relieve menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. It’s important to know that research has not proven its effects.  There also seems to be no serious adverse effects except possible GI discomfort and possible interaction with antihypertensive drugs.