Fresh Food Perspectives

With so much nutrition information out there, sometimes you just need a fresh perspective.

Alton and Halloween October 31, 2011

Yesterday I was able to check an item off my bucket list – meeting Alton Brown.

I wish that it was not in a large, noisy warehouse store where you have to dodge people going after the samples of crab dip like they’ve had nothing to eat in days. But nonetheless, I did meet him, have a very short chat, and he signed his book to Jackson and me. I told him that I was a dietitian and appreciated him using RD’s on his show. It didn’t quite strike the cord I was hoping for (a girl can dream, right?). When I mentioned my 12 week old son that he was signing for, he seemed more impressed that I was out and about, looking rested, so shortly after his birth.

So maybe I’ll add meeting him back on my bucket list and hope for a more professional setting where we can chat it up about food, nutrition, and science. Again, a girl can dream. All in all, it was a great experience and I enjoyed it with some good friends who are also big fans. Here’s a picture.

Changing gears now, it is Halloween! What do you have planned? I have to ask, have you been celebrating all month with your candy consumption? It’s hard to avoid the temptations of this sweet-filled month. BOGO sales on candy have tempted me to purchase my stash way earlier that I normally would (which would be just a couple of days before Halloween). So we have been trying to avoid that ever looming bag of peanut butter Snickers in the back of the pantry for a couple of weeks. Here are few suggestions for making Halloween easier on your waistline this year and in the years to come.

  • Wait to buy your candy to the last minute. If it’s not your favorite candy, it only helps you.
  • Buy candy that is easy for you to say “no” to.
  • On November 1st, throw out the candy or donate it to someone else. In our area, I have even seen signs for a dentist that has a post-Halloween candy exchange program.
  • Look for ways to celebrate without just candy – fall crafts, hayrides, corn mazes (which are everywhere this year it seems), and funny family photos.
If you have any healthy Halloween suggestions, please post below. You are also welcome to post a picture of your family all dressed up.
I hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween!