Fresh Food Perspectives

With so much nutrition information out there, sometimes you just need a fresh perspective.

A Week of Clean Eating – Who’s with me? November 28, 2011

My hubby and I have decided to have a week of “clean eating.” I say it with “” because it seems to be a somewhat self-defined term. Here’s how we are interpreting it: Limiting our consumption of all processed foods and choosing whole foods with high nutritional value. We also decided in this case to limit our intake of meat.

Why are we doing this? Well, we both want to feel a littler lighter on our feet. I see clean eating as an internal scrub-down and a mental refocussing on healthy eating. And what a great time of year to do this – not on January 1st, but the first week of the Christmas holiday. We, the Braddocks, will not be weighed down by the holidays this year! Who’s with us???!!!

To help you, and me, accomplish this task, I will post what we are eating during the day. Sometimes it’s hard to interpret our healthy eating desires into a practical plan. I assure that there will NOT be any eating perfection achieved here, but rather a good, honest attempt of cleaning up our food choices.

So consider starting your holiday off with a clean sweep. Here’s how we are doing it. Post how you are going to eat clean this week. Maybe it’s one small change that makes a big difference.

Clean Eating Braddock Style

General Principles:

  1. Limit processed foods as thoroughly as possible. (This means stuff from a bag or box with more than one or two ingredients.)
  2. No soda (an issue for some Braddocks). Drink a little coffee and lots of water and hot tea.
  3. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Yesterday I cut up a tons of veggies and put them in baggies in the fridge. This makes it super easy to grab the good stuff when you are hungry.
  4. Limit meat to once during the week and try to eat fish once.

Jenna’s Day of Eating

Breakfast: My usual smoothie consisting of a banana, frozen berries, carrot juice, kefir milk and spinach. A Black Hog Farm egg on whole wheat toast.

Lunch: (I ate a late breakfast so usually I have a morning snack.) Greek yogurt with 2 tbsp of granola. 3/4 cup yellow cherry tomatoes. 1 red bell pepper. 1 tangerine

Afternoon Snacks: 1/2 cup of raw walnuts and dark chocolate chips. 1 cup raw carrots and broccoli with 1/4 cup hummus. 1 oz Midnight Moon cheese. 3 cups of decaf green tea.

Dinner: 1 cup black beans simmered in beer, garlic, pinch of salt, and tomato paste. Avocado, spring mix, and low fat sour cream on top.

Total Veggie Count: 6

Total Fruit Count: 3