Fresh Food Perspectives

With so much nutrition information out there, sometimes you just need a fresh perspective.

Cancer Fighting Foods November 14, 2010

Filed under: Fruits and Vegetables,Vitamins — JBraddockRD @ 9:57 pm
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This week I am working on a presentation on cancer fighting foods. It seems, though, that there are cancer fighting properties to almost all whole foods that grow from the ground. I find this rather encouraging as it supports a varied and interesting diet. I have been pressed before to name the one food that everyone MUST eat. The person just had to know the secret food! The great news is that there are so many foods that can literally save your life. (I do like to use my own adage, however, “Broccoli will save your life.”)

The beautiful thing about whole foods is that each one possess a wealth of nutrients that are designed to work in concert with one another. So although taking a vitamin C pill is convenient, when you get your vitamin C in broccoli, you are also fighting caner, preventing asthma and strengthening your immune system. It’s pretty awesome.

Before listing off my cancer fighting foods that I am highlighting, I want to leave you with one more thought. It’s easy to get caught up in eating a food only for a particular health benefit. But don’t forget to actually enjoy the food as well. The subtle flavors of whole foods are often easy to overlook but tremendous when you have the ability to mindfully eat them. So this week, enjoy more whole foods because they are awesome for you and because they taste great!

Cancer fighting produce (really it’s all of them but here’s what I will be talking about in 45 minutes):

strawberries, spinach, blueberries, apples, carrots, tomatoes, grapes, garlic, broccoli


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